Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Earthquake #2, An Aftershock

I have never lived in an earthquake-prone area. Consequently, I have never experienced an earthquake before. Monday night, however, after an exceptionally long day in my life, I experienced one. Living on the 17th floor, it was a little troubling to hear my neighbors telling me to evacuate because the building was moving. I grabbed my phone and keys and fled, hoping that Nambekai (my kitten) would be ok. We all went outside to wait until we knew more about exactly what happened. Well, as it is well known now, an earthquake hit Sumatra again. For me it was different this time, seeing as the day after Christmas I was still in the States, knowing that I'd be leaving there and walking into Southeast Asia. This time, however, I felt it first hand and have at least a fragment of what the people here were experiencing last time. Today (Tuesday) I have been able to go have great conversations and visit with my friends to hear their reactions to everything. Doors are opening and they see True Power...