Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Dear Shins, I hate you

I found this post on some dude's web log and I thought it was hilarious, and exactly how I feel. Except the having to turn around on his run. I finished mine without much issue. It's after the run when my shins decide to get pissy.

Dear Shins,

I don’t know what I’ve done to you to deserve how you’ve been treating me for so many months. I’m tired of your behavior. I wish you would just tell me what’s wrong. I’m not a shin reader. I exercise you and your buddy My Calves. I put a compression sleeve on you to keep you warm. I ice you. I drug you with aspirin and ibuprofen. I feed you nutritious meals. I have even given you vacations. All you give me is pain.

I wish you’d just tell me what is wrong but you insist on behaving like a new born baby. All you do is cry and scream that you want something but you won’t come out and say what.

Today I took you for a 3 mile run. I was worried about you so I took it slow. After 28 minutes I had to turn around and go home early because of your behavior. I hope you’re proud.


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