Wednesday, May 04, 2005


I feel as though life right now is a whirlwind of activity. Within one week I went from nearing the limit of my threshold of frustration to doing a 180 and turning in a newer, clearer direction. I also went from teaching English at a language institute and learning the local language, to now an opportunity to learn Tamil (a South Indian language) the best way - by immersion, in South India. I don't know how my brain will adapt, but then again my head is spinning with emotion and trying to figure out what else I need to do before I leave for what many of my friends here (Indians) consider the Mother Country (India). The opportunity I have lying open in front of me truly dumbfounds me. Have you ever gotten to the place with God that your prayers seem to be bouncing off the ceiling? Well, I was there - for a while - and in 24 hours the Lord opened up the flood gates. Things began falling into place and the Lord allowed me to see a couple extra steps ahead, giving me a glimpse of what he has in store for the future work here. It is in the unexpected that we truly recognize the power of the Lord and run back to kick ourself because of unbelief. Yes, I speak from years of experience. True the older and wiser can look down and say "she's got so much more to learn" but the Lord teaches different people different things at different stages in their lives.